
Movement for your mind

A new medium of movement. Location-based virtual reality is the new frontier to explore and create.

Infinite Ways is building new worlds to move your body through. By thinking through physical problems, we can create space for play, fun, and new connections.

Virtual reality rock climbing is uniquely positioned to create dramatic experiences. The consequence of falling paired with the inborn reaction to heights are real and allow for breathtaking and palm-sweating experiences, but with no risk relative to real climbing.

A solo project by Jesse Nichols, on Twitter here.


InfinityWall – Vertical Locomotion in Virtual Reality using a Rock Climbing Treadmill, by Felix Kosmalla et. al.

Richard Feynman - There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom

Just as nano technology has infinite downward scalability, virtual reality has this same property. We can experience any scale, we can climb on the strands on DNA, or we can traverse the ranges of the distant planets.

The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch
